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This website would like to get you acquainted with this growing work. Growth is coming through the anointing of God’s Holy Ghost. With whole our hearts we believe that God is at work through a tremendous outpouring of His Holy Ghost and we need to prepare and be ready for a spiritual “tsunami” of His glory which will be seen in the entire world. The Bible says that the whole world will be filled with His glory and that all people will see its manifestion in the sons of God, who just like Jesus do the works of God and will show God to the people. A tremendous “fortissimo” is coming. The final chord is: God everything in all!
This ministry is not the work of a human but it is the work of the Holy Ghost. God gave us a big vision, which can only be accomplished through many and through the guidance of God’s Spirit. In August 1980 Bishop Dr. Bert Elferink received the calling from God for His life and ministry. God gave him an assignment and as his faith life and ministry grew also the urge to carry out the assignment grew. God gave him the assignment to reach all continents with an important Apostolic Message, which was only revealed to a few. God wants that His whole Body is maturing together and reaches the final purpose of faith which is: God everything in all. This is only possible when the secret of the Gospel, “Christ IN us, the hope of glory” is boldly revealed to everybody so that all can reach the full measure of maturity in Christ.
Rev. Dr. Mildred van der Linden is already more than 25 years a strong team member in the national and international ministry of Spirit and Power. She has e special compassion for the development of the woman in God’s Kingdom. She also welcomes you on this website to experience the work of God’s Spirit in the different nations of the world where God sent us to boldly proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel: “Christ in us, the hope of glory in the equality to Christ”.
Spirit and Power Outreach Network: A network of Spirit and Power Churches, who function like an Oasis in the world’s dessert, to work out the vision of God:
Church planting: To plant dynamic Spirit-filled churches who are the answer to world evangelism.
Campaigns and seminars: To teach in the nations of the world the Kingdom of God by proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel.
Women life ministry: A ministry who focuses on the training/equipping of women in or outside the Kingdom of God; to reach them with the powerful restoration message of Jesus Christ.
Spirit and Power reading, audio and video (DVD) ministry: A worldwide ministry to distribute as much as possible, to as many as possible the Gospel and the teaching of the Kingdom of God.
My name is Bishop Dr. Bert Elferink. My team and I have an assignment of God to bring to every nation His revelation message about a new generation of sons of God.
Our ministry has a mission. We are mentoring believers, who want to be a member of the Body of Christ, from which Jesus is the Head. The real Body of Christ consist out of sons of God, who are doing the same works Jesus did.
Me and my wife Ria, together with my co-pastor Rev. Dr. Mildred van der Linden, are dedicated to fulfil Gods assignment. At the beginning of our ministry God gave us a vision. He showed us many skinny people who were naked. They looked as people who were in a concentration camp of the Second World War, for many years. They were waving to us and they were shouting to us: "Come over to us, help us, and give us food and clothes and shoes".
At first we thought that those people were a picture of unsaved people, but God told us: "this is my people, this is the Church, and they do not know who they are, what they have and what they can do in Christ. They do not know their position! They do not have spiritual revelation knowledge about the spiritual reality what came with Christ.
The Assignment is clear! Distribute the mystery of the Gospel to every nation, because the end cannot come, without people knowing this mystery. Build Me a New Generation of sons of God in similar to the image of Jesus.
Form me an army of sons of God. More than 30 years ago, God called me into active duty. He gave me a message and I thought every believer knew this. Through the years I discovered that very little believers knew and that only a few taught it. One day God gave me the possibility to share this God-given revelation with several older leaders and pastors. It was "new" to them; but on biblical grounds they needed to confirm the truth that this was what God wanted. For them it was a new point of view on God's plan and purpose! It was refreshment! Still, I am glad, that at that time the Holy Ghost guided me to share this message with veterans in the Gospel and get their approval, so I know that which I teach the world and the Body of Christ is true, correct. It is not a false teaching, no carnal doctrine, but a revelation of the spiritual realities that came with Christ and make our born-again life worth living. Since that time I have discovered that many get bogged down in natural doctrines and therefore have no insight in the spiritual realities. Paul already said that he got only share his wisdom with those who were mature for it because an unspiritual person doesn't understand the things f the Spirit unless the Spirit of God who searches all the depths of God reveals it to them. (Read 1 Corinthians 2). The whole creation looks for the manifestation of the sons of God, who restore all things, who reveal the glory of God so that the whole earth will be covered with the glory of God and every eye shall see the appearance of God in the sons of God like he chooses.
(Romans 8:19; 2 Thessalonica 1:10).
I said to God: "God give us the anointing, the ability, the power and the compassion to travel to the nations and to bring the mystery of the Gospel to the people – Jesus Christ IN us, the hope of Glory.
God said: "Build Me a new generation of sons of God, who really want to be like Jesus, following Him in His footsteps, walking and talking and acting like Him, so that the world will see the manifestation of the sons of God".
I call it a "Joshua Generation". The name Joshua has the same meaning as the name of Jesus: He who saves! Joshua was the protégé of Moses. Moses was his mentor. Joshua was always at the side of Moses and he had also a deep relationship with God. Joshua fought for Moses. He also was climbing the mountain with Moses, when Moses went up to meet God in His glory. Joshua became the successor of Moses and he took the Promised Land and brought others into it also.
You know there is more than only salvation – healing and deliverance. Gods will is that we grow up into the full maturing of Jesus Christ, our Example and Model. Jesus made it possible for you and me to be like Him. He said: "I will not leave you as orphans. The Father and I, we will make our dwelling place in you. I will be with (meta) – in – by means of you – in this world, till the end of this age.
There are three priorities what need to happen before the end of this age can come:
1e. Matthew 24:14. We need to proclaim and to demonstrate the Gospel to every person. We need to show the people that Jesus is alive.
2e. We need to make disciples of all nations.
3e. We need to educate the believers into the full maturing of the image of Christ.
God said in Hosea 4:6: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, because the priestly nation (the leaders) has rejected knowledge". God is not talking here about head knowledge, but about spiritual, revelation knowledge. I give you an example:
Jesus asked Peter: "Who do you say that I am?"
Peter answered: "You are the Christ".
Jesus said to him: "You do not have that from people, but from My Father in heaven, He has revealed that to you."
This is what I mean. That is spiritual revelation knowledge.
To the church in Corinth, the apostle Paul was saying: "However, brethren, I could not talk to you as to spiritual men, but as to no spiritual (men of the flesh, in who the carnal nature predominates, as to mere infants (in the new life of Christ – unable to talk yet". (Chapter 1 Cor. 3:1-2).
You see! To many Christians are like the Church in Corinthians. They do not know, they do not understand. they are naked. They live in the flesh = directed by their five natural senses and they are not living by the Spirit. They don't know; they don't understand. They are led by carnal spirits and not by the Spirit of God. The devil is a deceiver. He comes as an angel of light, but he is not.
God gave us the name for our ministry: "Spirit and Power". The name of our mission is simple: Mission 2.2.5. I will share with you a little bit of this mission.
The Mission Plan of Spirit and Power has the goal to mobilize all Christians around the globe to continue the ministry and Mission of Jesus as sons of God, conformed to Jesus Christ and to restore everything in God's original intention. Our most important theme is: Chris IN us the hope of glory. Equality to Jesus Christ, to do the same works, ye, even greater so in that way God can manifest and unveil Himself in them. So God can cover the whole earth with His glory and every eye shall see His appearance in them who faithfully seek this happening. The plan is that ordinary people empowered by God's Spirit and through His indwelling make a difference everywhere they are or come. History writers, who rewrite the future of their environment, city and nation by fulfilling their most important assignment for which they were called and born into this world.
Jesus said: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
(Matthew 22:37-39 NIV)
Jesus commanded: "Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20 NIV) "And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth." (Revelation 5:10 KJ)
In the whole world God is at work and He wants that everybody is a part of it. This assignment is called your mission. God wants that you fulfill a ministry in the church and a mission in the world. Your mission is your servitude to the non-believers. The mission of every believer is a continuation of Christ's Mission on earth, which He started to do and to teach. (Acts 1:2) We are co-workers of God. God dwells in us, like He dwelled in Christ, when Jesus fulfilled His Mission on earth. Jesus is our Model. God in Jesus; Jesus in us, God in us. The mission of the believer has eternal meaning. It has an impact on the destination of other people. Winning people – in your own environment - in the world – is one of the seven goals/missions of every believer. Our vision is: every believer a missionary and our motto is: One soul more for Jesus!
When a man is won for Jesus, then we want to win one more. Whatever happens, we want to win one more for Jesus each time. We do not stop but we go to the next. One more for Jesus Christ!
The Bible tells us that God's plan and purpose is to cover the whole earth with His glory and that every eye will see it. The glory of God is all that God IS and all that He HAS. The glory of God was seen by means of the CLOUD in the Old Testament during the day with the people of Israel and in the night as a fiery COLUMN OF CLOUD enlightening the entire camp and protecting them against wild animals. It was His Radiation. It was not a natural cloud, but God's appearing glory. When Moses had to climb the Mount Sinai a Cloud covered the mountain top and it also changed into fire. Moses stayed for 40 days in the presence of God. The Bible explains that this Cloud was the glory of God that rested on the mountain top. There Moses received the blueprint for building the Tabernacle. God wanted to dwell among people. When the Tabernacle was ready the glory of God filled the Holy of Holiest. Later when the Temple of Salomon was ready, the glory of God filled this Temple. When Jesus walked the earth He was filled with the Holy Ghost and God's Glory filled Him because God dwelled in Him. Later in the "Mount of Transfiguration" the glory of God flowed out of His – a radiation of God's presence in Him- and formed a Cloud of Glory, from which God spoke. Jesus promised us that the Father and He would come to dwell in us and that He will be in us until the end of this era of restoration. For the eyes of the disciples God took Him up in His glory –visible by His Cloud of Glory- and Jesus became Spirit because He went to the Father who is the Spirit. He was diverted from their natural eyes. Yet He was still with them, but now He was in the spiritual world. After He took the necessary preparations, God and He appeared in the fiery column in the upper room where the 120 disciples were gathered, waiting on His coming in them.
The column of fire separated in 120 small columns –as flames- and disappeared into the disciples. From that moment on Jesus His promise was fulfilled – the Father and I will come and dwell in you; We will not leave you behind as orphans. God made them as His dwelling place – temple – house of God. Now God dwells in the sons of God – those that are born again, baptizing by immersion into water and are filled with the Spirit of God – the Spirit of the sonship – the Spirit of Christ – the Spirit of Truth. Now it is Christ IN us, the hope of glory. God wants to make this mystery known to all believers and proclaim it to the world so that more people will come to Jesus and become sons of God. Jesus is the Example and Model for the sons of God. Like God dwelled in Jesus Christ –God became flesh in Jesus- now God dwells in the sons of God – God became flesh in them. The whole creation is looks for the manifestation of the sons of God, who bring the creation to restoration, because we live in the era of the restoration of all things. In every nation sons of God will be born and take their position and restore their country. God's glory is in them because God dwells in them. God's glory will be seen and cover the earth because He will reveal Himself in them –be unveiled in them- to be seen in them. Christ and His composed Body of sons of God will cover the earth with the glory of God that flows out of them.
We are building a New Generation of sons of God, in equality to the image of Jesus Christ. A Joshua Generation. Our main feature is: 1st. To let the world know that it is necessary for them to enter God's House. Jesus said: "Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full". (Luke 14:21+23) To explain the Gospel in such a way that they can't refuge it. God commissioned us to go to those that no one else want to reach – the poor, the homeless – the cripple – the blind – the orphans, etc- and bring them into God's House.
2nd. Make disciples of all nations. Disciples are followers of Jesus Christ. Followers are imitators of Jesus.
3rd. To convince the (new) believers –the Body of Christ that it is necessary for them to grow into adult consecra- ted sons of God. (Titus 2:14)
Those three headgoals are investments into people. The salvation message that we preach in Campaigns are direct investments in souls. The Training school of Spirit and Power are also an investment into souls by the lives and ministries of them that receive and react upon the impartation of God's anointing and revelations. Their calling is the same as mine. Jesus is our Model and Example. He preached the Gospel to the multitude, in Synagogues, in the fields, in the valleys and on the hill-tops and long side the beaches. Besides that, He taught His disciples in smaller groups in the deep truth's of spiritual realities that came with Him. They asked Him to explain His teaching and He gave them "Revelation knowledge" because that is the Key to true son ship of God life. Those
that received His teaching spread it to others – sometimes from person to person. His goal was to raise the people that followed His example, to be His imitators and do greater works than He did during His time on earth. (Read my book: Revelation knowledge is the Key…)
1. We establish (new) Churches in order to address the spiritual emptiness and train new believers in the overcoming son ship of God in equality to our Model and Example, Jesus Christ. Jesus in them is the antidote for spiritual blindness. Read: John 8:12 (NLT); Romans 15:20 (NLT); 1 Corinthians 3:8(NLT).
2. We equip serving Leaders and train new leaders to address corrupt leadership and to build an army of sons of God in a network with each other to cover the whole earth. Jesus called lead-free people and mentored them. Read: Mark 1:17(NLT); Jeremiah 3:15(LB); 2 Timothy 2:2 (MES).
3. We help the poor, to address extreme poverty to set up and continue various projects and programs led by the Holy Ghost, like food-, garden-, agriculture- and help projects. Also to support poor preachers, building of churches, orphanages and schools to sustain the orphans and widows and all kin of other things that cross our path and which we are able to fulfill with God's help. Jesus identified Himself with poor people. Read 2 Corinthians 8:9(NLT); 1 John 3:17 (MES); James 1:27(TEV); Proverbs 19:17 (NLT).
4. We take care for the sick …and heal them in Jesus' Name to address devastating diseases and to care for those who suffer from them.Jesus restored people's healths who suffer from sicknesses and diseases. Read: Matthew 4:23-24(NLT); Luke 6:36 (NLT); Ephesians 5:1 (NIV).
5. We teach and equip the next generation to address illiteracy and lack of education. Jesus taught people who misunderstood. Read: Matthew 7:28-29 (NLT); Psalm 78:6-7 (MES); Proverbs 22:6 (TEV). Our vision is to raise schools where they can receive excellent education of western and native teachers. For this we need builders and teachers!
6. We are teaching and training believers to be an adult son of God, similair to the image of Christ. With the Holy Ghost we have the privilege to be a mentor for many sons.
We respect the local churches. We conduct leaders Conferences and train them without compromising their message and mission. We have a church based strategy that makes churches heroes and not a reigning government staff. The local leaders understand the local problems and needs better than outsiders. The local churches are the best instrument to address the six giants: 1. Spiritual emptiness; 2. Self centered leadership; 3. Extreme poverty; 4. Devastating disease; 5. Illiteracy and lack of development and education. 6. To do something about the spiritual ignorance. (See the brochure "Step into your destiny"
written by Apostle, Bishop Dr. Bert Elferink).